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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Funny Boys

Lately, the boys have begun making "jokes".  It's pretty entertaining to hear what they think is funny.  This morning, Mark called me to tell me that the latest one was "fountain mountain Mommy!"  We also get things like, "bumble fly" or they'll call things by the wrong name and crack up like it's the funniest thing in the world.  They are also very good at complementing themselves and each other, "Jack funny, Owen funny!!" 

They continue to reaffirm the stereotype that male beings are amused by bodily noises.  Owen is our burper, while Jack is our tooter.  They generally give us a "cue me" afterwords, which is pretty stinkin' cute (ha ha ha).  Thank goodness for manners, right?  For now, I'm still amused.  Can't say that will last much longer, though...

Then, there's the "Stinker Face." Classic.

O Stinker Face

Jack's just looks like he's smiling with very squinty eyes!!

J Stinker Face

These, unfortunately, are not great examples, so I will follow up with the real thing another time! Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. TOO FUNNY!!!!! ~~ Auntie Marsha has tears in her eyes . ..
