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Monday, September 27, 2010

Milkin' A Goat?

I mentioned our little friend Hola Milena in my last post. Milena's parents are teaching Milena Spanish, as it is part of her heritage. Because of this, Mark was teaching the boys to say "Hola, Milena" when we saw her. The boys did not catch on to the fact that hola was a salutation, and took it to be part of her name. And that is how Hola Milena got her name!

The fantastic pink stroller was not the only cool thing Milena had to share with us when we visited. She also had goats!! The boys were able to pet them, which was exciting, but a little intimidating. They enjoyed it as long as the goats just stood there, but if there was any interest on the goats' part, the boys would back away. They also got to witness Hola Milena's daddy milk the goats, and they did NOT know what to think of it.

I love the look of concern/horror on their faces!

Boys Watchin' a Goat Getting Milked

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! That is soooo funny. MILK FROM WHERE?! Glad they got to see the source. ~~Auntie Marsha
